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With the support of CODE’s many donors, our literacy programs – delivered in collaboration with six local partner organizations – reached over 500,000 girls and boys, helping them become more capable and confident readers!

Our Year in Photos: 2023

Our hearts are full of gratitude as we reflect on the past year at CODE. The work we do to champion every child’s right to read would simply not be possible without supporters and partners like you!

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Sallay’s smile stood out to us as we approached a group of children in Allen Town, Sierra Leone. Her energy shone through the curious faces that had gathered to greet us.

A Day in the Life of Sallay

For girls like Sallay, education is the key to breaking down barriers and unlocking a brighter future. We’re so grateful to Sallay for inviting us into her home and sharing a glimpse into her life. Despite the daily hardships she faces, Sallay is determined to go to school and get an education.

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Sarah - success exam story

Accelerated Learning for Overage Girls in Liberia

In sub-Saharan Africa alone, 88% or 202 million children are not meeting minimum proficiency levels in literacy. Amongst over-age students – those whose learning is truncated by late entry into the school system and early departure during adolescence – the rate is often higher.

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GALI-X Program Expands From 20 to 40 Schools

CODE is pleased to announce the expansion of the Girls’ Accelerated Learning Initiative in Liberia. Beginning on July 1, 2023, the program will expand from 20 to 40 schools, doubling the number of girls it will reach over the next three years.

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Our Year in Photos: 2022

In so many ways this past year has been an extraordinary one – our reach and impact has expanded significantly, we’ve welcomed many new supporters into the CODE family, and have heard global decision-makers reaffirm the importance of literacy in tackling what the World Bank calls “Learning Poverty.”

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Don’t Forget the Books

Resulting from school closures and absenteeism, a lack of teachers and quality learning materials, that most basic of educational quality  indicators: Can children read and write? – has precipitously worsened.

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