Our Theory Of Change
When we take the actions below, we work toward achieving our ultimate goal of a world where every young person can pursue their education and realize their full potential as literate, empowered, self-reliant citizens.
We address the severe shortage of qualified educators
Improved teaching is the single most important factor to improving educational quality and learning outcomes, which is why the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals outline this as a priority.
CODE is supporting the capacity of countries’ teacher development institutions to increase the proportion of educators coming into the workforce who meet minimum, formal performance standards. For those already in the workforce, we support ongoing skills development.
Our Theory of Change in Action
REDiSL Project – Training Teachers For A Nation
“Equipping teachers to work independently well with the essentials of meaningful classroom instruction is vital in promoting a sustainable quality education.” – Alhajie Sallieu Kanu, TALLE Program Manager In May 2017, CODE was chosen by Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) to launch a critically needed, nation-wide…
We put the empowerment of women and girls at the heart of our approach
CODE emphasizes the positive difference that female educators make to girls’ education, and the importance of recruiting and promoting female teachers.
We use an evidenced-based approach to inform girls’ education and strive to remove barriers that contribute to the marginalization of girls. We make it our priority to empower girls to learn and succeed as we know the dramatic benefits that result when they complete basic education and develop literacy skills.
Our Theory of Change in Action
Girl’s Accelerated Learning Initiative Success
In Liberia, and many other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, it is common to find teenage girls sitting in grade 1 or 2 classrooms. This signals a deep hunger for education but also presents a fundamental barrier to girls receiving quality education, or any education at all. Over-age enrollment remains a…
We ensure availability of high-quality, locally-relevant reading and learning materials
We work across the book chain – with authors, publishers, distributers – in the development of print and digital materials by local industry. These are designed to provide a meaningful context in which girls and boys, women and men are depicted in ways that stress equality, empowerment and problem solving.
CODE additionally supports the development of guidebooks and other resources that complement training and reinforce strategies for teaching across the curriculum.
Our Theory of Change in Action
A Peek Inside Our Favourite New Children’s Books
There are now many thousands of books in the countries where CODE works, and the wonderful thing is that we are leaving behind something concrete." Dr.Wendy Saul, CODE Board Member
We drive sustained change through systems-level strengthening
Sustaining change requires effective, relevant institutional capacity and a focus on addressing the key drivers of low learning.
We support the development of standards and competencies linked to Teacher Service Commissions and teacher licensing with a goal to ensure quality control. We work closely with in-country Ministries of Education to improve the quality of the training institutions and are introducing educational technology.
Our Theory of Change in Action
Researching Teacher Training Models in Sierra Leone
CODE, The Association of Language and Literacy Educators (TALLE), and the World Bank are working together to test a variety of teacher training models to enhance effectiveness of early-grade literacy instruction in Sierra Leone. According to UNICEF, only five to six percent of children in Sierra Leone are reading at…