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REDiSL Project – Training Teachers For A Nation

“Equipping teachers to work independently well with the essentials of meaningful classroom instruction is vital in promoting a sustainable quality education.”

– Alhajie Sallieu Kanu, TALLE Program Manager

In May 2017, CODE was chosen by Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) to launch a critically needed, nation-wide teacher-training initiative designed to revitalize education in Sierra Leone (REDiSL).

CODE has been working in Sierra Leone since 2011 – delivering its comprehensive readership program Reading Sierra Leone 20/20 to thousands of young learners. It supports literate environments through the creation of locally produced, culturally meaningful story books in collaboration with its local partner PEN-SL. It also leads professional development teacher training opportunities in partnership with local partner The Association of Language and Literacy Educators (TALLE) in order for teachers to improve their knowledge, skills and strategies to become more effective in the classroom in the teaching of reading and writing.

REDiSL is a wonderful addition to an already comprehensive program. With funding provided by the World Bank and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), 4,400 primary school teachers as well as 900 primary school head teachers, school inspectors and supervisors were trained to support the development of children’s literacy.

Students who do not learn to read during their early primary schooling, struggle to learn in the years afterwards. Not only do they struggle in the acquisition of literacy and language skills, they are unable to access science, literature, math, or social studies. As you know, literacy skills lead to an educated population, which ultimately allows the population to thrive. REDiSL has laid the groundwork for productive learning to help nurture a more literate population.

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