To impact the most children, we work directly with teachers, building their skills and providing the resources they require to use those skills effectively. CODE strives to constantly improve the quality of our international programs so that we deliver maximum sustained impact on the literacy and learning outcomes of children and youth reached through our projects.
students reached
Students in CODE programs are significantly outperforming control schools
copies of culturally-relevant hardcopy books are distributed
individual educators trained
75% of teachers
who participated in CODE professional development training are CODE certified
Recent Successes
These are but a few examples of how CODE is delivering meaningful impact with your support.
In 2021-22 alone, 300,615 students at 1,615 schools benefited from our literacy programs. This included students in our Reading Ghana program. When we consolidated results of reading assessments administered between 2016 and 2021, we found that 73% of students in Reading Ghana program schools had demonstrated improvement in all three reading sub-tests compared to 38% of students in comparison schools.
In 2022, CODE, in partnership with the Association of Language and Literacy Educators of Sierra Leone and the Ministry of Education, provided technical and implementation support to UNICEF for a program funded by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) to improve early-grade literacy and numeracy in Sierra Leone. The year-long program provided professional development to 3,370 pre-service and in-service teachers to build competencies in early-grade primary reading instruction.
copies of new books
In December 2020, CODE developed eight new anthologies comprising 43 stories, poems and nonfiction pieces as well as 200 illustrations focused on girls’ empowerment themes. Developed in partnership with local authors and illustrators in Sierra Leone, the books were developed as part of CODE’s Transforming Girls’ Education Program. 211,500 copies were distributed to 260 schools, benefiting an estimated 39,000 students.
Impact Sheets
A few times as year, CODE publishes a short snapshot of the amazing impact that our supporters are having. These Impact Sheets are intended to be brief, yet informative, “highlights” documents. Should you wish to learn more about any topic or story featured, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at