There are now many thousands of books in the countries where CODE works, and the wonderful thing is that we are leaving behind something concrete.”
Dr.Wendy Saul, CODE Board Member
A Peek Inside Our Favourite New Children’s Books
We know that books are a powerful tool in the fight against illiteracy – no matter where you live.
In 2019, alone, we’ve already published 12 new children’s book titles in Sierra Leone and Liberia. Over 140,000 copies have been printed and are on their way into the eager hands of young readers and learners.
All of these books are written and illustrated by local storytellers, and developed in partnership with local publishers. The books feature brightly coloured images and the stories cover a wide range of topics. Some come from fables and legends and some are fact-based. Some stories focus on math and science and many feature girls as the main characters to promote gender equality.
Your support is helping us stack library and school shelves with colourful and engaging children’s books that are appropriate for different reading levels, written in languages that children understand, and that reflect their local realities.
We are delighted to share with you two of our favorite new children’s books – and hope that you will share them with the young global citizens in your lives.