The potential of girls and young women to help build a better world cannot be ignored, but neither can the harsh realities facing many of them.
Leveraging our considerable experience working with teachers in classrooms across sub-Saharan Africa, CODE is launching a new program in 40 schools in Malawi that will empower students with the knowledge and life skills they need to build a brighter, more equal future. But we can’t do it without you!
With your support, students can benefit from the support of 360 teachers trained and mentored through the program, availability of new learning materials and the creation of youth clubs that can change the course of their lives.
Will you help us empower girls in Malawi with knowledge and critical life skills?
We hope that you will consider chipping-in what you can to help students in Malawi develop and strengthen their life skills and understand their rights. Every dollar that you donate between now and October 5, World Teachers' Day, will be restricted to our new program in Malawi.
We aim to raise $50,000 through the Knowledge is Power campaign
An extra special thank you to:
The Knowledge is Power campaign marks CODE’s re-entry into Malawi after nearly 10 years. It’s a major cross-sectoral collaboration that we are leading with other charitable organizations representing health, education and the communications sectors.
This is a unique program that allows us to bring our expertise in book production and teacher development to a national-level effort to empower young women with knowledge and critical life skills – but we need your help to make it possible.
With over 90% of every dollar going directly toward learning materials, teacher training, the creation of youth clubs and more to educate and empower students in Malawi, your donation will go a very long way toward giving girls and boys the knowledge and skills they need to build a brighter future.
Thank you again for your kind consideration. We are heartened by the programs we are able to undertake together with local partners/communities to give children a chance to succeed in school and beyond.
Thank you to our photographer Ulemu Nkhoma.
Every gift matters and contributes in a meaningful way!
Help one child attend a youth group
Train one teacher
Give 100 books
Support One School