The West African country of Liberia has the highest proportion of “over-age” students in the world. It’s a legacy of civil war that continues to have a devastating and disproportionate impact on teenage girls. Over-age girls who find themselves in Grades 1- 3 due to a late start in school have the odds stacked against them – their days in school are often numbered. Together with many of our supporters, we’re working to change this, and we hope you’ll join us!
The Girls’ Accelerated Learning Initiative (GALI) provides over-age girls with daily afterschool tutoring in small groups to accelerate learning and equip them with valuable life-skills so they can quickly and confidently advance to more age-appropriate grades, increasing their chances of staying in school! The program helps girls master foundational literacy and numeracy skills, and provides remedial support across other subjects as well.
Implemented in partnership with CODE’s long-standing Liberian partner, the WE-CARE Foundation, GALI delivers consistent and quantifiable impact. On average, 75% of girls in the program are promoted two grade levels annually, and the remainder are promoted one grade. The latter may seem “normal”, but many would have dropped out or been held back with additional support.
These girls face overwhelming odds in their pursuit of an education. Lack of parental support; low self-worth; poor family literacy; and mounting social pressures push them into teen pregnancy, early marriage and/or the labour market. Shockingly, 25% of girls are married by age 18 and only 14% of the poorest girls will complete primary school.
The girls participating in our program are courageous and determined. We see their potential, and know that just a little extra support and encouragement will make a world of difference.

“In GALI I found my voice. I can now speak for myself.”
– Anita, GALI participant
Teenage girls are at high risk of dropping out of school
In Liberia, 86% of the poorest girls will not complete primary school, meaning that the cycle of intergenerational poverty is likely to continue.
An estimated 25% of girls in Liberia will marry before their 18th birthday, and nearly 1 in 10 will marry before the age of 15.
How You Can Help
This year we plan to expand from 20 to 40 schools with large populations of over-age girls! Over the next three years, GALI will reach over 1,900 students. We invite you to be part of making this life-changing program possible. You’ll help to provide a comprehensive package of support for participating girls, so that they are set-up to succeed. This includes:
- One hour of small group tutoring daily with a focus on foundational literacy and numeracy
- Life skills lessons weekly
- Meals
- Access to books and learning materials
- Mentorship
- Menstrual hygiene products
- Access to tablets and digital learning
Thank you to our photographers Janet Phillips and Lloyd Massah

Every gift helps and contributes in meaningful ways!
1 year of GALI for a girl
GALI workbooks for 1 school
GALI for a school (21 girls)
A mobile learning lab for 1 school