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We're knocking on doors

CODE fundraisers may be in your area this year.

How it Works

CODE's face-to-face fundraising team is knocking on doors to reach new supporters who would like to make monthly or one-time gifts to help children in sub-Saharan Africa develop strong reading skills so they can succeed in school and lead a more hopeful life. They are currently canvassing in London, Toronto, and Windsor, ON.

If you encounter one of our fundraisers and are interested in making a gift, the fundraiser will collect your personal information on their tablet. You will then receive a phone call from a CODE representative who will take your financial information and finalize your new monthly gift. The number they will contact you from is 1-888-664-1914 or 1-613-518-0196. You will also receive a follow-up call in the days after signing up to welcome you to the CODE community. Fundraisers do not carry cash or accept gifts through cash at the door.

Questions or concerns?
Get in Touch:

Clare McInnes
Donor Relations and Database Coordinator

Andrea Helfer
Director, Fund Development and Marketing
613-232-3569 ext. 232

Frequently asked questions

Learn More

To learn more about CODE and how you can help promote every child's right to read, explore our website through the links below:

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