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The COVID-19 pandemic has been exceptionally challenging for teachers and students at our 61 project schools in Mozambique. So, when they asked for urgently needed school supplies, hygiene materials and more books and teaching supplies to help children continue to learn, we were eager to help – and we’re grateful that so many CODE supporters were too!

Thank you for providing critical support to 61 schools in Mozambique!


“In a situation where the teacher brings the book into the room during the breaks, the children demand it. This is because they seek to tell and retell the stories that are there. We have seen in recent days more children going into the small school library and ask to borrow books.”


“During the past 2 years we had several challenges, but the support provided by the BETTER Project made it easier to overcome them as we managed to keep the school clean and organized. Teachers continued planning and teaching lessons using participatory techniques.”


“Hygiene and cleaning materials have made a big difference in our school because it helped us prevent COVID-19. Even with so many children in our school, there are about 3000 children, we managed to avoid contamination.”

Thank you to everyone who supported this campaign! We have now provided all 61 schools with the supplies they needed to continue teaching and learning throughout the pandemic.

Number of schools funded

We raised over $212,919 to support 61 schools through the Supporting Better Schools campaign through the generosity of CODE donors.

An extra special thank you to:

All of our amazing donors at large!
Anonymous $25,000
Gay Lea Foundation $15,750
Anonymous $12,500
Celtic Cross Foundation $10,000
John & Margaret Casey $10,000
Fondation Edward Ash $8,000
ETFO - Humanitarian Fund $6,300
Malcolm Burford $5,000
Valerie Hussey $5,000
Barbara Ritchie $5,000
Peterborough K.M. Hunter Charitable Foundation $5,000
Anonymous $4,000
Bob and Carol Oliver $4,000
Queens CODE Student Group $3,714
Christopher Brett and Jamie Cameron $3,150
Catherine Carlin $3,150
Raymond Halley $3,150
Judy Hauserman $3,150
Bruce Montador $3,150
Priya Radha $3,150
Dr. Asheer Sharman $3,150
Brian Traquair $3,150
Bernhard Melitz Foundation $3000
Atlantic Provinces Library Association $2,755
Norton Campbell $1,000
Anonymous $1,000
OTF International Assistance Committee $700
Scott & Olga Walter $500
Andrea Helfer $500

CODE has a long history of working in Mozambique – dating back many decades. What began as a simple book distribution scheme, today is one of CODE’s largest integrated programs focused on strengthening children’s learning outcomes through improved teacher training at a national-scale.

The Supporting Better Schools initiative was developed in the midst of the pandemic in direct response to urgent requests from schools for more learning and hygiene resources.

The schools that received these resources will continue to be participate in other CODE programs; the books, teaching aids, school supplies and cleaning supplies will be utilized in an integrated fashion to improve the quality of teaching as well as support the acquisition of literacy skills. More than ever these primary schools will be positive learning spaces not only for the children who attend but for the teachers in training who come to prepare for their own careers as effective teachers.

Every gift received has helped and contributed in a meaningful way!


20 Kids' Face Masks


50 School Supply Kits


100 Books


Support One School

Each school received a comprehensive package of support to help both students and teachers.

Here’s what the initiative provided:

  • School supplies including notebooks, pencils, erasers and rulers
  • Hygiene materials including locally made soap, mops, buckets and face masks
  • Classroom teaching aids like chalk, chalkboards and posters
  • Colourful array of nearly 500 children’s books in totable book boxes
Thank you to our photographer Mbuto Machili, as well as Alcina Sitoe and Stephanie von Wogau.
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